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Pre-School Age 3-5

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

– Mark 10:14

Compass offers full and half day Christian preschool programs in a safe, loving and fun learning environment. Our preschools focus on educating the whole child through varied, purposeful and experiential learning. The students are consistently reminded of the unconditional love of God and build strong Christian character through our unique, Bible story-based curriculum. You’ll find an affordable and friendly solution for your family, close to home. We are currently serving children ages 3-5. 

A Great Start

Compass Preschool focuses on educating the whole child through varied, purposeful, and hands-on learning. Preschool
learning occurs in 20-minute structured segments in these areas:

• Social: Provides fun with circle time, sharing, calendar, and weather activities
• Language: Teaches writing, alphabet, and phonics
• Math and Science: Explores shapes, sequences, animal kingdom, and insects
• Art: Engages fine motor skills with cutting, drawing, and tracing
• Physical Education: Practices large motor skills, including jumping, running, stretching, and climbing
• Biblical Instruction: Communicates the unconditional love of Christ and what it means for our lives
• Character Formation: Helps children learn their identity as children of God, their purpose in life, and how to act as children of God

“I used to be a Compass employee from 2014-16 and loved the staff and the environment!  When it came time to picking a PreK program for my niece, there was only one place I knew I could trust to allow her to grow -  and that was Compass!”

First page of the PDF file: Compass-SS-Preschool-English-Web
First page of the PDF file: Compass-SS-Preschool-English-Web2